Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Brand New Website for the UKFBA

I'm very pleased to be able to tell you that the UK Food Bloggers Association has a brand new website that will enable not only food bloggers in the UK but also friends of the UK food bloggers to network with each other.

The UKFBA have teamed up with Trusted Places in order to bring you the new website, which you can take a look at by clicking here.

All you need to do is register to create your own profile and then you can add links to your blogs or websites, upload photos and videos, create RSS feeds and much more.

Visit the new website at www.ukfba.co.uk.

Julia x


Coffee and Vanilla said...

Sounds good... I'm heading to the new url :)


indi said...

Hey love a slice of cherry pie and this one
i prefer this one for its variety and i thought i could drop a line to suggest to you a topic (in fact three in one)

I contacted you earlier about the new ben&jerrys flavour CHOCO MAC made out of vanilla/chocolatge icecream with chocolate fudge macadamia nuts. this has a huge admirer who carved in mac nuts Ben, Jerry, a cow, qa cone ... furthermore it is a fairtrade flavour and we'd like to advertise that part especially.
plus, with summer arriving and ben&jerrys free cone day i thought it could be nice.
and.... also for the cooking part ben &jerrys are organising a worlwide contest to create your own flavour soon, that will be named after you. "do the world a flavour"

so if any of these three or the three combined seem appealing enough email me at indial@cakegroup.com for more info and beautiful pictures..thanks for your time

Maddy said...

Well I shall nip across and take a peek then. Obviously I arrived just in the nick of time.

Android 5.0 Jelly Bean said...

Some people take life far, far, far too seriously. Lighten up realfoodlover... they're just a cereal company launching a new product trying to get through the recession by keeping their 1000s of employees in work.