Monday 2 July 2007

Introduction to Joanna's Food

This Post was written by Joanna from Joanna's Food

1. Where are you based?

Harpsden, just outside Henley on Thames

2. How long have you been blogging?

I'm astonished to find that it's been over two years - I first started on a whim in May 2005.

3. What's the best thing about food blogging?

The cameraderie, no question. I have made some real friends, loads of cyber friends, and there's always someone on hand to give advice, answer stupid questions, make you feel better when you're down, make you feel good about things you've said and done. So very much more than a recipe book!

4. What's the worst thing about food blogging?

The stick I get from my family about photographing the food!

5. What inspires you to cook and write?

I've always cooked a lot, I've always enjoyed it. The food writing came later (although I was a journalist before I started my family) ... my husband had a heart attack three years ago, and we changed our diet on doctors' advice. It was a time of huge change in the way I cooked, and I kept forgetting what I'd been doing. At the same time, people began to ask me about the changes we were making. So, in the beginning, the blog was a way of keeping track of what I was doing, and at the same time sharing it with friends. Only gradually did I discover what blogging was really all about!

6. Where do you like to blog?

I always blog on my laptop in my study (I know, I'm a lucky girl). But I'd really like someone to tell me about the software I know exists which enables you to write the post while you're out and about, and post it when you get to a hotspot.

7. What's your signature dish?

Not sure I've got one ... I like to innovate. Salmon and chips (McCain's 5% oven chips, the ONLY processed food I now buy) with a huge salad is my personal favourite; prawn paste is my new take on potted shrimps (all that butter's a total no-no); more or less anything involving a beetroot.

8. What about you might it surprise other bloggers to know?

Um. Er.

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