Monday, 2 February 2009

Cherries and Chat

This Post was written by Holler from Tinned Tomatoes

Food and chat!

It is exactly what we all love, isn't it? Add some cherries into the mix and you have the A Slice of Cherry Pie Forum, which is hosted by the gracious Julia of A Slice of Cherry Pie and the founder of the UK Food Bloggers Association.

This is a free food forum and everyone is welcome to join. There are recipes, discussions, a veg patch, a wine bar and even a book club (We haven't had a new book to read for a while, so any new suggestions would be welcomed)!

Why not come along and have a look and maybe a chat. You will find some really friendly and welcoming bloggers there.

I hope to see you there :)


Anonymous said...

A thought on books - would a cookery book be a fun thing to discuss as an alternative to a novel? There are some great books around and I seem to spend a lot of time reading them! Fiona

Anonymous said...

how about a foodie memoir such as madhur jafferey climbing the mango tree?

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Hi FionaI spend a lot of time reading cookery books too. I think it is a common past time among us food bloggers, but suggestions are always welcome. Why not have a look at the book club page and leave your ideas :)

Hi Kim, I haven't seen that one. It sounds really interesting actually!

Julia said...

Bless you Holler, thanks for the shout out! I hope we get lots of new foodies joining! xx

Anonymous said...

Hi there, posted a thread on the board with a Van Gogh / foodie suggestion....

Shazia said...

thank you very much for posting this.

Shazia said...

I want to see real pitures of this post.
