Monday 18 February 2008

Memorable Steak

A memorable meal from our nonagenarian blogger Robin from Foodari for the second in a series of historic views of food.

In 1947 the General Manager and I, Chief Engineer , of a large pottery company got permission to visit and report on the American Pottery industry with particular reference to automatic making which we intended to introduce to Britain.

After a number of inoculations we caught a Dakota from Northolt to Prestwick to catch the midnight fight by KLM from Amsterdam to New York. On the way, embarrassingly, I surprised a Chinese Lady in one of the loos and could only bow my apologies and flee. It was another five and a half hours on to New York where they insisted on inoculating us all over again before we caught a plump DC4 on to Pittsburgh where we arrived somewhat bedraggled, hungry and thirsty.

There seemed to be only one solution for we were coming from the still rationed Britain and arriving in the USA - steak.

We were bowelled over when brought a large plate each with a steak hanging over each side by a couple of inches or so. And this was neither the tough off cuts that we had grown used to during wartime Britain, this was prime beef, juicy, succulent and so tender. For what had seemed like days of waiting for a fine meal disappeared in seconds.

It did wonders for our morale and suddenly by power of food we were back on top of the world again.

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